The earth is our home — the place we all live, breathe, work, play, and celebrate. People, animals, and plants all call the planet home, but despite the fact that we’re literally touching the earth at all times of the day, sometimes you end up feeling far, far away from nature and the planet itself.
Getting in touch with the earth can have myriad health and wellness benefits, including decreased stress and anxiety. Even just a few minutes in the outdoors can turn around your entire day! It’s all about setting an intention, putting away distractions, and taking a moment to just be, which is something we all need in our mile-a-minute lifestyles.
The good news is that getting up close and personal with the planet is easy to incorporate into your existing routines. Below, discover simple ways to connect more deeply with nature to find peace and clarity.


Take off your shoes!
Earthing, also known as grounding, is a practice where you remove your shoes and walk or stand barefoot in the dirt or on the grass to connect your body with the earth. You can also lay on the ground or play in the dirt like you did as a kid, or all of the above!
Find a quiet time of day to remove your shoes and feel the ground on the soles of your feet. Take note of what you experience, and involve as many senses as you can. Try it for a minute or two at first and increase your time as you begin to feel more comfortable quieting your mind; many pros recommend 30 minutes per day if possible.


Notice things on a deeper level
Challenge yourself to remove distractions on your next walk: no phone, no headphones. Instead, take note of the colors around you, animals in the trees, other people interacting with nature.


Incorporate all five senses
Touch and sight are obvious, but what about smell, hearing, and taste? No, we’re not saying you have to eat dirt, but there’s nothing like a strawberry picked fresh off the vine or a delicious plant-based dinner eaten al fresco. Whatever your nature activity may be, make note of all five senses. What does the air smell like? What can you hear? Does the freshly mown grass smell so strong you can almost taste it? As adults, it’s easy to be distracted by your ongoing mental checklist or daily stress, so really focusing on feeling, seeing, and touching can bring you back to basics.


Exercise outdoors
Running on a treadmill is one thing, but navigating your neighborhood or local park is another. Take your workouts outdoors and experience new terrains and challenges. It’s good for your heart and your head!


Make a meal solely with things you grew yourself
Growing and nurturing a garden is an excellent way to communicate with nature. You’re essentially following its lead and adapting as you go depending on the weather and what your plants need, and spending lots of time planting weeding, and watering. If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, try making a meal entirely from things you grew. If not, visit the farmers market and make dinner with local produce.


Start a nature journal
If you’d really like to join forces with nature, start a journal to keep track of what you’re seeing and feeling. It can be as simple as a few lines a day about the flowers you picked, a cool bird flying in your yard, or a tree in the middle of the city or a list of the ways your mood improves when you’re outside. Who knows what you’ll discover!