It doesn’t matter if you’re 20 or 90 — your body needs healthy, nutrient-dense foods to thrive. Think lots of greens, fresh fruits, lean proteins, and healthy carbohydrates, plus dairy or dairy alternatives to keep your bones strong. 

But as you age, you may require more of certain nutrients and less of others, or you may find yourself deficient in a certain vitamin or mineral, potentially leading to things like lower bone density or cognitive issues.

Eating a healthy diet and supplementing where necessary is the best way to ensure you’re caring for yourself today and in the future, as is getting regular exercise and staying active both physically and socially. 

Older people are the age group most likely to experience nutrient deficiencies due to lifestyle changes and health issues, not to mention eating less as they enter their senior years, so caring for yourself now sets you on a course for success in the future, as does paying attention to some of the most common nutrient deficiencies to make sure you’re eating the most well-rounded diet possible.

Below, learn more about nutrient deficiency and aging, including the vitamins and minerals you should pay particular attention to as you age.


Women in particular need to ensure they’re getting adequate amounts of calcium no matter their age to build and maintain strong, healthy bones and teeth. Calcium is also essential for heart, muscle, and nerve health and function, so if you’re not getting enough of this pivotal mineral, it’s time to make some dietary changes or start taking a supplement, like Floradix® Calcium Liquid Herbal & Mineral Supplement. Your older self will thank you! 

Find it in: dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese, greens like spinach, oranges, fortified foods

Vitamin D

Older adults, especially elderly people living in assisted living or nursing homes, may be deficient in vitamin D because they may not often see the sun or spend a decent amount of time outside. Vitamin D is essential for bone and immune health, making it a must-have for any well-rounded diet.

Find it in: regular time outside in the sun, fatty fish, eggs, fortified foods 

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies for older adults, in part because of reduced stomach acid. If you’re deficient, you may experience fatigue and even anemia, making it an essential vitamin for your diet. Vitamin B12 can be more difficult to get via diet than some of the other vitamins and minerals on this list, so fortified foods or supplementation may be a great option.

Find it in: meat, eggs, fish, fortified foods


You don’t have to get your fiber from powders! As you age, your regularity and motility can slow down, leading to constipation and blockage; this makes fiber so important to include in your diet. Vegetables like brussels sprouts, peas, and broccoli are great sources of fiber, as are apples, raspberries, and oranges. Fiber cereals are a great option to get things moving after breakfast too.

Find it in: fruits and veggies


If you’re low in iron, you’ll notice — fatigue and lack of energy can be major red flags and signs that your iron levels aren’t in optimal shape. As you age, your dietary preferences may change due to health concerns; red meat in particular can be a no-no for those dealing with cardiovascular issues. Floradix Iron + Herbs Liquid Herbal Supplement helps you stay on track with your iron levels to support daily energy.*

Find it in: red meat, beans, dark leafy greens, Floradix Iron + Herbs

If you’re concerned about your diet and want to get on the right track, it’s always a great idea to set up time with your healthcare practitioner. Together, you can devise a plan tailored to your body and lifestyle so the future feels bright and promising.